Join Clara Maria Fiorentini for an exploration of the Art of Reading
Aloud in the Senior Primary Classroom. For read-alouds to positively impact
students’ reading abilities, teachers must carefully plan for them to be
effective (Moran, 2015; Wright, 2018-2019). This webinar unpacks strategies and
supports in planning and facilitating engaging and meaningful read-aloud
experiences in the Senior Primary Classroom.
Content will include:
Reading aloud and the Primary Language
Strategies for engagement
Increasing meaningful interactions
Extending the learning
Recommended texts
Clara Maria Fiorentini is a lecturer in Initial Teacher Education at Marino Institute of Education, specialising in Literacy and Early Childhood Education. Prior to this, Clara taught for eleven years in an urban, DEIS primary school in Co. Dublin, Ireland. Clara provides CPD for primary teachers and early childhood professionals in the areas of literacy, children's literature, play based learning and school transitions. Clara is completing her PhD research in early literacy development and transitions to formal literacy learning. Clara is currently an executive committee member of the Literacy Association of Ireland and was the President of LAI for 2024. You can connect with Clara via her website www.claramariafiorentini.com or via Instagram.